Fedora 35 Minimal Installation with GNOME

Fedora 35にGNOMEデスクトップ環境を入れた最小構成でインストールする手順を記します。

  1. Download Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-35-1.X.iso
  2. Select "Fedora Custom Operating System" (or "Minimal Install") and install
  3. Run sudo vi /etc/dnf/dnf.conf and append text below
  4. Run sudo vi /etc/fstab and edit (if necessary)
  5. Run sudo dnf install bash-completion lsof nano tar wget bzip2 unzip zip
  6. Logout shell and relogin
  7. Run sudo dnf install gdm mesa-dri-drivers gnome-terminal adobe-source-code-pro-fonts nautilus
  8. Run sudo dnf install dejavu-sans-mono-fonts epiphany gedit gnome-terminal-nautilus virtualbox-guest-additions (if necessary)
  9. Run sudo dnf install ibus-anthy imsettings google-noto-sans-cjk-ttc-fonts (for Japanese users)
  10. Run sudo dnf remove authselect firewalld gawk-all-langpacks geolite2-* iproute-tc pcsc-lite python3-unbound sssd-* trousers
  11. Run sudo systemctl disable --now dnf-makecache.timer
  12. Run sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target
  13. Reboot
  14. Open "Settings" and modify (if necessary)
    Settings -> Displays -> Resolution -> Apply -> Keep Changes
                Privacy -> Screen Lock -> Blank Screen Delay -> Never
                           Automatic Screen Lock -> Off
                Power -> Automatic Suspend -> Off
                Keyboard -> Input Sources -> Add
                Users -> Unlock -> Automatic Login -> On
  15. Run gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files crawling-interval -2
  16. Run gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files enable-monitors false
  17. Run tracker3 reset -s
  18. Complete!